Submit a request on to report an issue that you could not resolve after checking our troubleshooting guides (, but also in case you need to request new equipment activation or have questions about a feature.
In order to open a ticket you need a Zendesk account, in case you haven’t one, you can ask for it sending an email to
How to submit the request
- Subject: brief description
- Description: detailed description of the issue/request including all the steps to reproduce the problem, providing in particular the following informations:
- Location name or AP MAC address
- Full OOPS error page link from laptop (in case you’re experiencing an Oops page)
- Tests already performed based on troubleshooting guides
- Firmware Version of the AP/Controller
- MAC address of the end user testing on site or having issues
- SSID settings from Smartphone of the tester on site
- CCs if needed: add who should be copied/included in the ticket
- Type: choose an option from the dropdown menu (Issue, Vendor Activation, Feature Dashboard Activation, Question, Configuration) basing on the subject you are raising in the ticket
- Priority: choose an option from the dropdown menu (Low, Normal, High, Urgent) depending on the priority of your request
- Tenant ID: specify the Tenant id or Name
- Attachments: Screenshare of the end user experience, screenshot URL of the OOPS/error page from a laptop, screenshots of the configuration