Cloud4Wi – 5.0.2
We are pleased to announce the availability of Cloud4Wi 5.0.2. This minor release includes new features and improvements, as well as fixing important issues.
New Features
- The restricted access mode has been introduced. This feature allows to restrict the access only to the end-users who requested for a Service PIN.
- Self-provisioning: end-users are able to see the list of Service Profiles that are available in the recharge page, and to top-up online through the Service PIN.
- New Self-care portal: after logging in, end-users are able to access the self-care section, where it is possible to display and update personal data, unsubscribe from the service, check for active Service Profiles and check the list of the traffic sessions performed in the past.
- Service PIN generation and export.
- End-users are able to unsubscribe from the service through the Self-care portal.
- International option – multiple currency support.
- New advanced identification procedure for foreign end-users.
- Multi-level management for Service Profile – The management can be unified (tenant-based) or differentiated among WiFi Areas.
- New SMS package management, both for Tenant and WiFi Area.
- Introduced manual unlocking for end-user accounts (now it is possible to unlock an account that was blocked because the phone number was not validated, or the phone number was foreign, or a Service PIN was required)
- New License Status section in the Advanced Settings menu, in order to monitor the status of the system and the number of SMS text message available.
Access Network - Technology adapters:
Cloud4Wi now supports also the following access devices and firmware:
- Deliberant access points
- Nomadix gateways
- Tanaza firmware
Software Changes and Improved Features:
- Completely new Apps management section on the Control Panel, with enhanced experience and usability.
- Improved filtering capabilities for the statistics page.
- New management for the expiration of recurrent service profiles. Introduced the "unlimited" validity option (as default)
- New table style, 25 entries per page are displayed.
- New App Bar – new design of App Bar on the Splash Portal and additional management capabilities. Now you can manually enable the displayed apps and customize the color of the icons.
- Advanced Statistics: marketing oriented statistics.
- Click Counting: clickable images with related click analysis are now supported.
- Couponing: apps to create promotional campaigns.
- Win Now: tool to create draw-based and code-based online contests.
- External Link: it is possible to publish custom icons and links within the App Bar.
Fixed BUGS:
- Frequent and unexpected “wrong password” notifications on login, when accessing through some devices (for example: Mikrotik, Meraki).
- White page after login when accessing through some devices (for example: Mikrotik).
- Various graphical and interface misalignments.
- "Close" Button on the Splash Portal preview page did not work.
- White page after the creation of new users from in the Control Panel.
- When typing e-mails using an IPad, capital letters were not recognized.
- The top menu on the Splash Portal did not display all the available options when browsing the internal Apps pages.
- Service Profile enable/disable was not working.
- Logout for Ruckus access points was not properly working.
- Wrong management of https request for Ruckus access points.
- WiFi Area service license reset when editing general WiFi Area properties.
- Cloning Service Profiles for the WiFi Area level was not work properly; the new Service Profiles were added in the table of Tenant's Service Profile, and not in the one for the WiFi Area.