Cloud4Wi – 5.0.1
We are pleased to announce the availability of Cloud4Wi 5.0.1, including new features and improvements, as well as fixing important issues.
New and Improved Features
- Introduction of the new General options page:
- Selection of the validation method for the user identity during the registration process. The available options are: SMS Outbound (the system sends the password to the user via SMS), SMS/Call Inbound (the user has to validate his number sending an SMS or making a call), no validation required;
- Support for multiple types of username (generated by the platform, user, mobile number);
- Enabling/disabling of the registration on the Splash Portal;
- Enabling/disabling of multiple registrations using the mobile number;
- Customization of the text of “Terms & Conditions” shown during the registration process;
- Customization of the default international call prefix;
- Enabling/disabling of the password recovery option on the Splash Portal;
- Improvements in the Dashboard page including new data and statistics, as well as an enhanced hotspot map;
- Customization of the logo within the top bar for the Splash Portal;
- Optimization of the Splash Portal page, without any content preview directly in content boxes;
- Introduction of filtering capabilities in the Sessions page (by username, time window and location) and export of data into the CSV format;
- Introduction of filtering capabilities in the Alarms page (by username, time window and location);
- Adding of a new hotspot through either the definition of the MAC address or the selection of the supported firmware.
- Release of the new Direct Marketing app;
- Optimization of the Advertising app, including the new dimension of the top banner (720X90 px);
- Adding of custom categories when adding a newspaper in the Press Review app.