The methods of assigning usernames to an end-user can be configured by the Tenant through the Access templates section, by setting the Username type option. The following values are allowed:
- Mobile number: the username for the end-user is based on the mobile phone number that has been provided during the registration. If this phone number does not belong to any end-user currently registered to the Venue, the username will be the phone number. Otherwise, if it already belongs to a registered end-user, and if Multiple Phone Registrations option is enabled, the username will consist of the provided phone number + the "_" character + a numeric suffix.
- Customer name: the username for the end-user is based on the first name and the last name provided by the end-user. More precisely, the username will consist of: the first 6 letters of the first name (or the whole first name if it has a length less or equal than 6 letters) + the "." character + the first 6 letters of the last name (or the whole last name if it has a length less or equal than 6 letters) + a progressive number used in order to avoid duplicate usernames.
By setting Username type set to Customer Name:
The username for the user John Doe could be: john.doe1.
The username for the user Alexander Smithee could be: alexan.smithe1. - System generated: the username for the end-user is a random alphanumeric string chosen by the system
- Email: the username is the end-user's email address.