The Tenant, through the Control Panel, is able to add new languages to be used into the Splash Portal, from scratch, or starting from an existing one.
To know more about the configuration of the different languages supported, please read Configuring international settings for your Tenant or Venues.
The Tenant may want to create a new language that currently is not included in the Solution.
The Tenant may also need to create a new language starting from an existing system-defined one, modifying later some custom words and sentences; this case may occur also because some languages have been obtained through free online translations services, and for this reason translations might be not accurate.
The feature of creating a new language allow to implement the two cases described above.
The Tenant is able to manage custom languages for the Splash Portal by accessing the Settings menu, then clicking the International settings and subsequently clicking the Add new language button.
Adding a new language
The addition of a new language can be performed in order to increment the number of available languages or to replace an existing language.
The Tenant is able to redefine an existing language (for example: Czech) and make it available to the Splash Portal, replacing the system-defined one. This is possible by accessing the Settings menu, then clicking the International settings, subsequently clicking the Add new language button and then clicking the Create new button.
Please note that the Venue Manager is never allowed to access this section.
Through the following page it is possible to create a new language. The following fields must be specified:
- Tag: it is a unique name representing the language (duplicate names are not allowed). It is not displayed in the Splash Portal.
- Name: it is the language name displayed in the Splash Portal.
- Copy from: here you can decide to start from an existing language or not. If you are defining a language that is not included choose None, otherwise choose the language you want to start from.
- Status: here you can decide if your language is available in the International settings menu. A language checked as Enabled is not available to the Splash Portal until it is added in the Splash Portal languages field in the International settings section (please read the Apply the new language to the Splash Portal paragraph below).
The following picture refers to the addition of a custom Czech language.
Defining labels for a language
There are two ways to define labels for a language:
- by compiling an HTML form
- by submitting an XLS file
Defining labels for a language (1st method, compiling the HTML form)
Now the custom language has been created, but it is necessary to add custom translations. To do that it is necessary to go back to the Splashportal languages page, accessible from Settings menu > International settings > Add new language and then click Labels in the row corresponding to the language to change.
Then the Tenant is able to redefine all words and sentences, as shown below.
A language defined in this way, can be activated later as described in Configuring international settings for your Tenant or Venues.
This procedure can be performed also importing an XLS file to the system (please see the following paragraph).
Defining labels for a language (2nd method, submitting the XLS file)
It is also possible to import the desired labels by submitting an XLS file to the Solution.
To do this it is necessary to go back to the Splashportal languages page, accessible from Settings menu > International settings > Add new language and then click Labels in the row corresponding to the language to change.In this page it is possible to click the Download link, next the Labels title, in order to download the XLS template that is necessary to submit translations for a custom language.
Starting from this downloaded file, new translations can be added in the third column of the XLS file (see below).
In order to finally import this file to the system, it is necessary to go back to the Splashportal languages page, accessible from Settings menu > International settings > Add new language, and then click Labels in the row corresponding to the language to change.
Then, in the displayed page, it is necessary to submit the XLS file just created and then click the Import button.
If the procedure is successful, translations are updated and are visible within the fields in the page.
A language defined in this way, can be activated later as described in Configuring international settings for your Tenant or Venues.
Modifying the name and the flag for a language, or deleting a language
Starting from the already mentioned Splashportal languages page, accessible from Settings menu > International settings > Add new language, it is possible to perform further actions on the languages.
By clicking the tag corresponding a language, it is possible to:
- Change details for a language (the fields Tag, Name, Status, Flag). The flag can be chosen among 247 available one.
- Deleting another user-defined language
Replacing a system-defined language with a user-defined one
To do this it is necessary to access the Settings menu, then clicking the International settings and change the value of the Splash Portal languages field.
In particular the system-user languages must be removed and replaced with the user-defined one.
The following pictures explain how to replace the default Czech language ("Čeština"), with the user-defined one ("myCzech").
Apply the new language to the Splash Portal
It is important to highlight then that a language configured in this way it is not immediately available for the Splash Portal. In fact a Tenant may need to apply different languages in different Splash Portals.
So, each language enabled in the International settings menu, must be applied to the single Splash Portal by modifying the Splash Portal languages field in the settings of the Splash Portal. You can learn more about this by reading the article Setting appearance, languages and public URLs for your Splash Portal.