In order to use floors for Heatmaps, you must first go to the Locations section in the Cloud4Wi Dashboard, select your location, go to the Floor plan tab and then click the Add button.
- Building
- Floor
- Zone
- Name
- Address
By clicking the button next to an existing building, you can get details of the building or delete it from your floorplan section.
To add a new floor to an existing building, you'll need:
- Name: name of the floor to easily recall it form the other sections of the Cloud4Wi Dashboard
- Associated to: building that's associated with the floor
- Floorplan width (meters): size of the floor. This value is extremely important since it is used to calibrate the size and position of the map. Please note that the width refers to the equivalent size in the real world of the entire image you are uploading, so if your floor plan image contains borders you need to consider them in the width value.
- Floor hardware manufacturer ID: an identifier for your floor. In order to properly set this value, please check if your device is supported here
- Image: upload an image of the floor. You are able to crop, resize, rotate, distort and change the opacity of your picture. Please note that accepted format files are PNG and JPG
By clicking the button near an existing floor, you can get details on the floor, enter the zone management section, or delete it from an existing building.
You can also add a new polygon zone (more info here: Create and manage Polygon Zones).
After the floor plan is updated, you must go to each Location section in the Cloud4Wi Dashboard, select your location, go to the Access Points tab and then select each AP and Place it on the Floor Plan. By choosing the Place on Floor Plan button at the bottom will change the map view on the right to floor plan view and will let you position your AP.