This guide shows how to configure a Deliberant access point for Cloud4Wi.
Please note that the images contained in this article may contain outdated configuration data. Therefore, please check the data contained in the article "Parameters for the Solution" at the bottom of the page, as they are certainly up to date.
This article applies to the following models:
- APC series
- APC button
It is recommended to update your device firmware to the last available version.
This guide applies to the Solution only for the version 5.0.2 or later. Previous releases DO NOT support this device.
In order to correctly integrate a Deliberant access point with the Solution, it is necessary that:
- Connect the device to the Internet
- WAN and LAN interfaces are correctly configured
Setting up the "router" mode
In order to configure the device, it is necessary to access the web interface by using administrator login details, then accessing the Configuration > Network and then to set the Network mode option to Router.
Setting up wireless options
After that, it is possible to set wireless options by accessing the Configuration > Wireless section.
As shown below, it is necessary to change settings for the Security part of the page.
The Security value must be set to UAM; RADIUS WEB page type must be set to External.
It is required to correctly set also the following values:
- RADIUS server 1
- RADIUS server 2
- RADIUS secret
- RADIUS Auth port: 1812
- RADIUS Acct port: 1813
- UAM login page
- UAM secret
The NAS ID value can be any alphanumeric string, but it is required to be unique for all the access points in your network.
The UAM secret value must be equal to the NAS ID specified.
The Identifier required in the Cloud4Wi Dashboard must be equal to the NAS ID value of the device. Otherwise, the access point will not be correctly integrated with the Solution.
The other values must be set as specified in the paragraph below, called Parameters for the platform. Please note that the UAM login page value must end with the ?vendor=deliberant suffix.

Walled garden
On the bottom of the Configuration > Wireless section, where you configured wireless options, there is the White list section, where you can configure the walled garden.
Here you can specify the sites that end-users are able to visit without any need to perform an authentication.
It is mandatory to add the following entry into this list, necessary to redirect end-users to the Splash Page.
- cloud4wi.com
In order to configure the walled garden for other purposes, please check the following articles:
- Walled garden for the Social Login (websites/domains to open)
- Walled garden for PayPal feature (websites/domains to open)
Entering the device details into the Cloud4Wi Dashboard
To integrate the access point with the Solution, you must enter its details into the Cloud4Wi Dashboard.
To have further information on how to do that, please see How to add an access point. Secondly, in the Cloud4Wi Dashboard, a field called Identifier will be required by the web interface.
As mentioned, this value must be equal to the NAS ID value of the device and must be unique in all the network. Otherwise, the access point will be not correctly integrated with the Solution.
Allowing free access to the CDN
As explained in the article Enabling the CDN, you must add some IP addresses to the walled garden in order to support the access to the CDN.
The domains to add for this purpose are:
- c4wstatic.cloud4wi.com
- c4wstaticjs.cloud4wi.com
Setting QoS parameters
Deliberant access points support the advanced features of Cloud4Wi like setting QoS parameters for bandwidth limiting. These parameters are defined in the Cloud4Wi Dashboard while creating Internet plans.
Parameters for the Solution
The parameters indicated above for the Configuration > Wireless section are mandatory for the proper functioning. The necessary parameters to integrate the device with the Solution are the following:
RADIUS server 1:
RADIUS server 2:
RADIUS secret: (it will be communicated by Cloud4Wi)
RADIUS Auth port: 1812
RADIUS Acct port: 1813
UAM login page: https://splashportal.cloud4wi.com/?vendor=deliberant
UAM secret: (must be equal to the NAS ID value)
Please note that it is necessary to enter the Splash Page URL exactly as it is written above.
If you enter the Splash Page URL in different formats (e.g. https://splashportal.cloud4wi.com/c4wportal/mysplashportal?vendor=deliberant), then the redirection will fail and the end-user will not be able to see the Splash Page.
If these parameters change in the future, we will promptly inform you about new values.