In the Dashboard brand option settings can be accessed by going to:
Manage → Settings → Preferences → Branding.
From here, you can modify Cloud4Wi Dashboard appearance by adding custom logos and background images. Available options include:
- Logo: you can upload a custom logo for your branding. We strongly recommended uploading a picture that’s 120x40 pixels, since logos will be automatically resized.
- Background image for Dashboard login page: you can upload a custom background image to display on the login page ( see Login page URL option below). We recommended uploading images smaller than 500 KB with 1160 width. That way, images can be properly displayed on devices with larger resolutions.
- External help URL: by specifying this option, it is possible to change the default Help URL in the main menu.
- Dashboard unique alias URL: by specifying this option, you can set a customized access login URL by entering an alphanumeric string. The URL is
You have to enter the"entered_name" suffix.
By clicking the Check button, you can see if this URL is available or not.
By setting the unlock option next to each configuration, the Organization Manager can delegate configuration controls to the location manager of each corresponding location.
On the contrary, setting the lock option will only let those at Organization Manager make changes, and the configuration option will not be visible to location managers. If all configuration options of a section are locked, then the whole section is hidden from location managers.