User analytics gather general information about users that have been onboarded into WiFi across the different channels.
Filtering data by organization/location/access point
- The MSP Owner can filter results by organization/location/access point
- The Organization Manager can filter results by location/access point
- The Location Manager can filter results by selecting an access point
Filtering data by a given time interval
You can choose from the following time intervals:
- Today
- Yesterday
- Last seven days
- Current month
- Last month
- Current year
- Last year
- Custom range
Exporting data to a .xls file
You can export all the data to a .xls file, by clicking on the Export button at the top-right corner of the page. Please note that the data included in the .xls file is based on the values selected in the filters described above.
Main metrics and charts
- New users: this widget shows the number of acquired users and the number of total users.
- Identity source: this pie chart shows the percentage of the acquired end-users arranged by their account type (e.g., username/password, Click-through, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, etc.)
- Acquisition trend: this area chart shows how the number of acquired users changed during the selected time interval. The percentage displayed shows how the number of acquired users increased from the beginning to the end.
- TouchPoints: this widget considers the email addresses and phone numbers that we got from the acquired users.
It is also specified how much the acquired users are in percentage compared to all the existing users, and how much of them were validated.
Note: emails collected form sign up with social login are considered validated by default.
The count of email addresses validated using the Cloud4Wi process starts form December 4th, 2017, so email addresses collected and validated before this date are not counted in this metric. - Agreements: this widget considers the number of the acquired end-users who accepted the Promotional Communication Policy and any custom opt-in clause, and their percentage compared to the users who have been acquired in the considered period.
- Unlocked Wi-Fi Accounts: this widget considers the number of the acquired end-users who completed their signup or validation process and reports in which percentage they are compared to all the existing users.
- Demographics: this widget provides the gender and age distribution of the acquired end-users. Ages are grouped as:
- <18
- 18-24
- 25-34
- 35-44
- 45-54
- 55-64
- 65+
- Geo: this widget provides the percentage of the languages and country of the acquired end-users. The count of the languages is based on the impressions (“impressions” means how many times the Splash Page is displayed).
- Operating System: this widget shows a pie chart indicating the distribution of the operating systems of the acquired end-users (e.g., Android, Windows, iOS, Linux, etc.).
- Device model: this is a data table indicating the most common device models used by the acquired end-users to connect to the Splash Page. Data is displayed in percentages and is sorted in descending order.
- Device type: this chart shows the distribution of the device types of the acquired users (e.g., Tablet, Smartphone, or PC).