Init the Auth source in Cloud4Wi
In the Cloud4Wi Dashboard, select Users > Auth Sources.
Select New.
Add a Reference Name; select SAML as Protocol, and Azure as Platform
Leave the page open, you'll need the Entity ID and Reply URl to finalize the next step, and then you need to come back to this page to enter the Metadata URI generated in the Entra (former Azure) portal.
Setup Microsoft Entra (former Azure)
Log in to Microsoft Azure click Enterprise applications > New application.
Click Create your own application, enter a name for the application, select Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery (Non-gallery) and click Create.
- Click Assign users and group to define which Users or User groups can login with this application. You can assign individual users or groups of users.
Once done with the assignment, go back to the main page of the app.
- Click Single sign on on the sidebar, select SAML.
The page Set up Single Sign-On with SAML appears.
Click Edit in the "Basic SAML Configuration" card. Enter the Identifier (Entity ID) and the Reply URL value provided in the Cloud4Wi Dashboard (see top of the page). Click Save.
The value will be reflected in the related card.
- Click Edit on the "Attributes & Claims" card. Default values are usually the correct ones, but make sure that :
- nameidentifier matches source attribute user.userpincipalname
- emailaddress matches source attribute user.mail
- givenname matches source attribute user.givenname
- surname matches source attribute user.surname
- In the SAML Certificates card, find the attribute App Federation Metadata Url and copy its value in the Cloud4Wi Dashboard
In the Cloud4Wi Dashboard click Save to save the settings of your SAML connector.
In Entra (former Azure), ensure all users can sign on without the need to set up separate permissions in Azure AD. Go to the Properties page and select No for Assignment required and Yes to Visible to users.