The Acquisition page provides detailed insights into the user acquisition process, focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs) and trends. It enables tracking the growth of the user base, understanding how users are acquired, and analyzing the effectiveness of different acquisition channels and methods.
The dashboard provides four primary levels of filtering, collectively referred to as the "analysis scope":
- Time Period: This defines the analysis period to which the metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the dashboard are associated. Users analytics can be examined for a maximum of 18 months in retrospect.
- Location/s: These define the locations or groups of locations to which the metrics and KPIs in the dashboard pertain. You can manually select one or more locations, or you can conveniently choose a group of locations by selecting one or more tags. Using location tags simplifies the analysis for specific network scenarios (e.g., by brand, by country, region, etc.).
- User Source: This parameter defines the source channel through which users generate connections.
Dashboard Widgets Details
- New Contacts: The total number of new users acquired within the defined analysis scope.
- Total Contacts: The cumulative number of all users acquired up to the current period.
- Marketing Opt-ins: The number of users who have opted into marketing communications during the acquisition process within the defined analysis scope.
The primary widget monitors the distribution of these key metrics over time (timeline view) and across different locations (histogram view). It provides the following insights:
- New Contacts: Displays the number of new contacts acquired over time (timeline view) and the average number of new contacts acquired per location (histogram view).
- Marketing Opt-ins: Displays the number of marketing opt-ins over time (timeline view) and the average number of opt-ins acquired per location (histogram view).
The Contact Properties histogram shows how many of the following data points have been collected for acquired contacts:
- Phone Number
- Gender
- Country
- Age
The following additional charts provide insights into user acquisition and data quality:
- Consent Collection: Displays how many consents have been acquired for each policy (e.g., Marketing Communications Policy, custom opt-ins, etc)
- Verified Touchpoints: For collected touchpoints (such as email and phone), show how many of them can be considered verified.
- Subscription Source: Details the distribution of new users in the analysis scope across different sources (e.g., captive portal, mobile app, admin panel sign-up, etc.)
- Subscription Method: Shows the distribution of new users based on the subscription method used (e.g Passthrough, social media logins, etc.)