We provide a solution for our customers to operate their own service. In this scenario, Cloud4Wi operates as a Data Processor, while our customer operates as a Data Controller. The user of the WiFi hotspots must be made aware of the role of our customers. It is essential that you review your own terms of use privacy policy and make sure it reflects GDPR needs and benefits.
While Cloud4Wi offers a full suite of solutions designed to help clients comply with applicable data privacy laws, it is the clients' responsibility to comply with its obligations under such data privacy laws. Please consult with your legal team regarding such data privacy laws prior to implementation of the Cloud4Wi suite of solutions.
In the Login Profile, you can customize both the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy text, even in multiple languages.
If you don't know where to start form, we can help you by providing some templates, but make sure you review them carefully and to personalize the data related to your organization, such as name of the company, address sand contacts.
Privacy Policy
The privacy policy is the statement that discloses all of the ways you gather, use, disclose, and manage the user's data. It fulfills the legal requirement to protect the user's privacy.
This statement must reflect your specific use and purposes for collecting the user's Personal Information. We provide you a template which may be used only as a reference tool to get started creating your own privacy policy.
Terms of Use
The terms of use are the rules and conditions by which the end users who want to use the guest WiFi service must agree to abide in order to use the service provided by You.
Here a template of Terms of Use that you may start form.