By clicking on the name of a contact in the mail list, it is possible to access the Contact profile page containing the details of the Contact.
- Delete: delete the Contact and all related data.
- Export: export all the contact details into a CSV file.
- Edit: manually edit some of the Contact attributes
The profile card also presents a summary of the most important profile attributes collected from the customer, such as the first name, email, gender, etc.. (see the details below in this article).
The top right card and the Insights card summarize some of the most important behavioral attributes of the contact (see the details below in this article).
In case the Contact has been activated relying on the WiFi channel, the WiFi Account card shows the essential data about the guest WiFi service activated on the user:
- Username: account username
- Status: if the account is enabled or disabled
- Type: method of onboarding Guest, Hotspot 2.0
- Plan: internet plan associated with the account
The Activity tab shows the list of the customer activities, including Visits, WiFi Sign Up, received emails, ordered from the most recent one to the oldest one.
The Devices, Internet Plan and Notification tabs contain information strictly related to the WiFi services and are displayed only in Splash Subscriptions.
- Devices: list of the devices associated with the contact, with the WiFi MAC address and the last date the device has been seen
- Internet Plans: list of the internet plan provisioned on the user. Here you can provision additional plans or delete the existing ones.
- Notifications: logs of all the errors and notifications received by the user during the guest WiFi access, shown for troubleshooting purposes
By clicking the button "MORE" in the main contact profile card, you can open a panel that lists all the profile attributes and behavioral metrics about the customer.
Profile attributes represent demographic and contact information about the customer and they depend on the acquisition source (Guest WiFi, Hotspot 2.0 or APIs).
- Email: email address of the customer
- Verified Email: if the email comes from a trusted identity source such as a social network it is considered verified. Otherwise, it is considered verified only if the customer explicitly confirmed his email using the email validation method of the guest WiFi onboarding
- Phone number: mobile phone associated with the customer
- Verified phone: the phone is considered verified if the user confirmed it during the guest WiFi sign-up using the two-factor authentication method via text message
- Age: age of the customer
- Birthday: date of birth of the customer
- Gender: gender of the customer. Possible values are:
- Male
- Female
- Other
- Null
- Country: country of residence specified by the customer
- Create date: date of when the customer record has been added to the list
- Identified by: it specifies the source of collection of the contact profile. Possible values are:
- Cloud4Wi: when a user signs up using a native method in the guest WiFi (such as click-through or account registration)
- Name of a social network: in case the customer logged in using a social network account, this field shows the name of the social network
- First Visit Date: date of the first time the customer has been seen
- Marketing: specifies if the customer accepted the Promotional Communication Policy
- Custom opt-in fields: if set in the Login profile, this field shows the list of additional options accepted or not by the customer
- Age verified: if the age verification step was passed (check Minimum Age Verification in Login profiles)
- Title: Mr., Mrs. or Miss
Please note that the contact record also includes additional attributes that are not shown in the contact profile but are available in the record export in CSV and via APIs.
Behavioral Metrics describe customer behaviors based on the interactions of the customer with the locations:
- Total Visits: the total number of days the customer has done a Visit since the First Seen date. Multiple visits on the same day are counted one once in this metric
- Last Visit Date: date of the last Visit
- Visited Locations: the total number of Locations visited by the customer has done since the First Seend date.
- Last Visit Location: Location visited most recently
- Most Visited Location: Location that the customer has visited more frequently
- Avg. Visit Duration: average duration of all the Visits the customer has done in the last 6 months
- Attraction Rate: this metric is a percentage measured as the number of days the customer has done a visit in the last 6 months divided by the number of days the customer has been seen (passerby or visit event) in the same period.
This metric measure the propensity of the customer to Visit the location whenever in the proximity of it. - Avg. Monthly Visits: this metric measure the average number of visits in a 30 days period, evaluated as an average on the last 6 months. For example, if the customer has done 6 visits in the last 6 months, this metric would count an average of one visit every 30 days
- Avg. Days Between Visits: this metric measured the average number of days between adjacent visits in the last 6 months
- Time of day preference: this metric reports the time of the day the customer usually visit the store. If there is no enough data to identify a preference the metric value is null. Possible values are:
- Morning: 6am - 11am
- Afternoon: 12pm - 4pm
- Evening: 5pm - 7pm
- Night: 8pm - 5am
- Day of week preference: this metric reports the day of the week the customer usually visit the store. If there is no enough data to identify a preference the metric value is null.