If you are using Splash or Compass and you are dealing with a massive deployment, you may need to add many access points or update the information. To make it easier, we added the possibility to do this for 100 access points at once, by uploading a CSV file.
Click Manage → Access Points in the left menu toolbar, then click Manage and select IMPORT FROM FILE from the dropdown menu.
In the resulting modal window, select your hardware manufacturer, and download the related template. You can enter up to 100 entries in your CSV file.
Please find below the structure of available templates:
Name | Description | Location | MAC address | Identifier | SSID | |
Template 1 | required | optional | required | required | required | - |
Template 2 | required | optional | required | required | - | optional |
Template 3 | required | optional | required | required | - | - |
Data format:
- Name: only letters, digits, colons, dots, hyphens, spaces, and underscores
- Description: only letters, digits, colons, dots, hyphens, and underscores
- Location: the name of an existing location in your instance
- MAC address: 12 hex digits, no colons or hyphens (e.g., 0123456789ab)
- Identifier: only letters, digits, colons, dots, hyphens, and underscores
- SSID: only letters, digits, colons, dots, hyphens, and underscores
- When you upload a CSV file, you assume that the hardware manufacturer is the one selected in the modal window
- Importing different hardware manufacturers may require different templates. Please make sure you are using a suitable one for your use case
After the file is uploaded, the platform checks all the provided values. If all of them are valid, then the access points are copied.
Otherwise, the platform does not import any entry (not even valid ones), and the page returns you a CSV file containing the list of the errors that occurred. So you will need to change your CSV file with the required changes and import it again.
Click Manage → Access Points in the left menu toolbar, then click Manage and select UPDATE FROM FILE from the dropdown menu.
In the resulting modal window, download the related template. You can enter up to 100 entries in your CSV file.
You are required to provide the following information: Name, Description, Location, MAC address, and Identifier.
So, for each row, enter the Identifier of the access point that you want to modify (since this field is unique in the platform). You can find this value in Manage → Access Points (see the picture below).
Then, in the same row, enter the desired values for the remaining fields (Name, Description, Location, MAC address).
For any access point, you can provide a Location different from the current one.
In this case, if you confirm your action, the access point will be deleted from the old Location and inserted again into the new one.