November 11th, 2019
Segment Builder (Compass)
In the segment builder, you can now specify relative periods on the date attributes. For example, you can define a rule to include all the users where the Last Visit Date is within the Last 6 months.
This new feature allows you to identify actionable audiences for your targeted marketing campaigns, exporting the customer data into your external marketing platform or using them as a filter for the real-time campaigns orchestrated with Cloud4Wi Triggered Campaigns.
Survey (Compass, Splash)
You can now create multiple survey campaigns and publish them in the Access Journey of any location or group of locations identified by tags. For example, if you have two different brands in your organization, you can create a dedicated survey for each of them and publish it to the correct group of locations by filtering them using the tags.
Phone validation with a short link (Compass, Splash)
We introduced a new experience to validate the phone number of the customer during the sign-up process with less friction. Prior to the update, the only method was to block the user during the sign-up, send him a text with a one time code, and ask the user to insert it in the Splash Page.
This new option works in the same way as the email validation process, by allowing the customer to go online without any friction granting him 5 minutes of time to validate his number.
Instead of sending a code, this new method sends a short link and simply clicking on it will confirm the phone number and extend the time allowance.
New paid service experience (Splash)
We improved the overall end customer experience when charging for premium internet access. In order to improve the user experience, we created a new dedicated Splash Portal template optimized for this experience and revisited the overall onboarding workflow. For example, users can now pick a plan before signing up, then sign-up with their preferred method and finally pay with the credit card for the plan they selected.
You can explore the details in this article.
More personalization (Compass, Splash)
We extended the look and feel of our personalization capabilities so you can create a consistent experience across the entire access journey. The custom CSS file you upload in the Splash Portal settings is now applied to all the screens of the onboarding process, including, for example, the page that notifies the users to validate their email.
Other apps, such as Survey and Promo Page, have their own CSS customization capabilities.
New Splash Page template (Compass, Splash)
We introduced new Splash Portal templates to extend your personalization capabilities. The new template includes more content areas, including the possibility to show a permanent footer with the link to the terms and policies.
Location services support on Extreme Wireless (Spaces, Compass)
We now support presence and location services on Extreme Wireless Controllers. With Volare Spaces you can measure customer behaviors and with Volare Compass you can profile individuals based on their store visits.
To see the detailed list of supported capabilities read this article.
Spaces Zoning processing update (Spaces)
In order to improve the accuracy of the metrics shown in the Zone dashboard, we introduced a filter to consider only the devices that have been seen with an RRSI greater than the threshold configured in the Spaces settings. This change can cause a minor change of the value represented in the Zone Analytics table, both for the virtual and physical zones.
Google+ SSO end of life (Compass, Splash)
Google discontinued Google+ in April 2019, but existing users can keep using it to log in to external services. We will discontinue its support by December 15th for all existing accounts.