The Splio Connector allows you to synchronize your Contacts into existing Splio lists.
The Connector sync every new record in real-time with your List and keep them updated by running a daily synchronization. Only Contacts with a marketing opt-in are processed.
Before to Start:
We suggest creating a dedicated List on your Splio account to group the contacts synced from the Cloud4Wi account.
1. Find the Splio connector on the Connectors page, click on the card and then select "Use Integration"
2. Click on the button "+Connect your Splio"
Follow the instructions to authenticate with your Splio account in the pop-up.
You can request the API Key to Splio support.
3) In the following step, you can select the Target List where you want the Contacts to be synched.
You can also decide what to do in case an Existing Record (a record with the same email) already exists in your Splio account:
- Skip sync: simply discard the record
- Update existing Contact: update the existing record with the Cloud4Wi data
In the last setting on this screen, you can decide if you want to sync all the existing Contacts you already have on your Cloud4Wi account or only the new ones.
4) Done! You Contacts will be synced once a day. If you want to change the target list, you can always open the Connector and click Settings to change the target list.