Campaigns is an application that allows you to send promotional messages to your customers when they interact with your physical spaces.
Managing Campaigns
All existing campaigns are listed on the main page. For each campaign, you can click on the action menu ( ) to:
- Pause / activate the campaign
- Delete the campaign
- Edit the campaign
- Access the Reports of the campaign
Creating a new Campaign
Create a new Campaign by clicking the button "New Campaign" in the main page.
To create a new campaign you'll go through a wizard of 5 steps.
1. Trigger
In the first step of the campaign setup wizard, "Trigger", you define the event that triggers the campaign. The following triggers are available:
- Arriving at Location: when a customer is detected in the proximity of any of the access points or sensors of certain Locations
- Enter a Zone: when the customer enters into certain zones (Polygon or Virtual zones)
- Dwell: when the customer dwells a certain amount of time in certain Zones or in a Locations. The minimum amount of time can be configured.
- Leave a Location: when the customer leaves a location. The event is triggered when the system is sure that the customer is not in the location anymore, and it may be delayed up to 3 hours form the actual time the customer leaves
- Sign-up: when the customer registers to the guest WiFi the first time
- Log in: when the customer logs in the guest WiFi service
- Connect: when the customer opens the Splash Page - this trigger has been deprecated from all new and existing accounts. It remains available to the existing campaigns that use it.
Note that these events are detected relying on the Moments technology. Read the Moments article to find out more about how these events are detected and classified.
Depending on your product Subscription, you may have only a subset of these options.
In the same step, once you choose the trigger, you have to refine the scope of the Trigger by defining "where" the action should happen to trigger the campaign. Depending on the chosen trigger, the interface might different and ask to pick locations, access points and/or zones.
For guest WiFi-related events ("Sign Up", "Log In", "Connect") you can select a group of locations and optionally a subset of access points or sensors. If you leave the fields empty, by default the campaign will consider all the Locations and all the access points in the selected Locations.
If you selected "Arriving at Location", "Leave a Location" or "Dwell in a Location" events, you can select a group of Locations.
If you selected "Enter in a Zone" or "Dwell in a Zone" events you can select one or more Zones. To find a specific zone you can filter the list of zones by Location.
2. Audience
In the "Audience" step of the campaign setup wizard, you can refine the target audience of your campaign. Here you can select a Segment that you previously created in the Segment Builder.
Alternatively, you can select a Custom condition to create a simplified filter rule based on customer age and gender.
3. Content
In the "Content" step of the campaign setup wizard, you can define the change and content of your messages.
The available channels are Emails or Text Messages.
Note: in order to use Text Message as a channel, you need to have configured a Text Messages gateway, such as Twilio.
In the same step, you can configure the content of the messages of your campaign. The available options depend on the selected channel and on the available content management tools installed in your account.
In general, when using Email as a channel, the following content options may be available:
- Rich Text: custom text or HTML. You can specify the object of your email in this step. You can add LINK to track in your Email as described here.
- HTML: HTML text. You can specify the object of your email in this step. You can add LINK to track in your Email as described here.
- Email Template: use an Email Template previously created using the Email Templates tool. You can specify the object of your email in this step.
- Offer: you can select an offer previously created with the Offer tool. You can specify the object of your email in this step.
When using the Text Message as a channel, the following content options may be available
- Text: custom text of your text message. You can add LINK to be shortned and eventually track in your Text as described here.
- Offer: you can select an offer previously created with the Offer tool. The content of the message is defined in the configuration of the Offer.
In every case, you can either decide to use the same content for all the languages or you can define a specific content for each language.
4. Scheduling
In the "Scheduling" step of the campaign setup wizard, you can refine the delivery option of your campaign.
First of all, you can decide the time the campaign can be triggered by specifying:
- the "start" and "end" dates of the campaign
- the days of the week when the campaign can be triggered
- the hour of the day when the campaign can be triggered
You can limit the rate of the messages sent to the same individual by configuring the rate-limiting option. With these options you can:
- set a maximum number of messages sent to the same individual and define the minimum number of days between consecutive messages
- send the message only once
- send unlimited messages but separated at least of a certain number of days
If your campaign has some cost constraints and you want to limit the overall number of messages sent, you can set a maximum frequency of messages over a certain period of time.
Finally, you can decide to delay the delivery of the message for a certain amount of time from when the triggering event occurs:
5. Review
In the last step of the campaign wizard, you can set the name of the campaign and review the main configuration.
Once saved, the campaign will start immediately in active mode.
Campaigns Report
On the main page of the Campaign list, for each campaign, you can access the Campaigns reports by clicking the Reports item in the action menu ( )
The report will show:
- how many messages have been sent
- how many text messages (email) have been opened
- how many messages have been clicked ( clicks are counted for links set as to be tracked. Only one click for the message is counted. So if a message contains more than one link to track it is enough one click to make the message as clicked. If the same person clicks multiple times the same link it counts only once in the computation of the CRT of the campaign).
Clicking on the Export Logs button you can download an excel file with the report of the individual messages.
Campaigns FAQs
Track clicks in the content of your messages
It is possible to track the clicks on the links inside your messages, emails, or text messages sent.
You can find more information in the following article: Click Tracking for Campaigns.
I correctly configured my campaign, but it is not delivered to end-users. Why?
The most common causes of this may be:
- Your user did not accept the Marketing Policy
- The campaign is paused or expired (check start and end dates)