This article shows how to create and configure a Meraki to support Cloud4Wi Passpoint solutions.
Supported devices
This article applies to all devices of the MR series.
WPA2-Enterprise configuration
As a first step, you need to configure your Meraki with the exact same configuration required for supporting the WPA2 Enterprise service, completing all the steps described in this article:
Meraki WPA2 Enterprise configuration
Hotspot 2.0 settings
From the Cisco Meraki Dashboard, select Wireless > Configure > Hotspot 2.0.
The Hotspot 2.0 page appears. Select the SSID that you previously created with the WPA2-Enterprise settings.
Configure the following parameters:
- Hotspot 2.0: Enabled. This activates the rest of the fields on the page.
Operator name: CLOUD4WI:US
- Venue name: any value, including “unspecified”, don’t leave it empty
- Network type: free public network
- Domain list: enter your domain as configured in the Passpoint settings (such as brand.securewifi.io)
Next to NAI Realms, click Create Realm. The Create NAI Realm dialog box appears.
Enter the following parameters:
- Format: 0
- Name: enter your domain as configured in the Passpoint settings (such as brand.securewifi.io)
- Then click Add an EAP method and enter the following information:
- Method ID: 21
Authentication Methods: MSCHAPv2, PAP, MSCHAP
Click Create Real to confirm.
The realm will appear in NAI Realms table:
Click Save Changes at the bottom of the screen.
OpenRoaming (if necessary)
To also enable OpenRoaming
- in the Roaming Consortium OI 1 write “5A03BA0000”.
- in the Roaming Consortium OI 2 write "004096".
- Click Save
Known issues with Meraki networks
Sometimes, Meraki stops broadcasting Hotspot 2.0 parameters, therefore devices with provisioned WiFi profiles won't recognize the network.
The problem has been detected occasionally when changing certain settings of a network, such as adding an SSID or changing the access control configuration of any SSID. When Meraki propagates those changes to the network, the APs seem to stop broadcasting Hotspot 2.0 information.
A workaround to fix this problem is to go to the Hotspot 2.0 page, change some parameters such as the Venu Type, and Save. Meraki will propagate the new configuration to the network and Hotspot 2.0 will start working again. If this operation does not solve the problem, try also to restart the Access Points.