Cloud4Wi Passpoint solution allows you to pre-activate Wi-Fi connectivity for your guests before they even visit your venue, so when they arrive they enjoy a seamless and more secure Wi-Fi service.
The solution can be applied to any scenario where individuals sign up somewhere before visiting a physical location. For example when individuals:
- buy a ticket for an event
- book participation in an in-person event
- book an appointment for an on-site business meeting
- book an appointment for an on-site medical visit
- reserve a restaurant
- etc...
For guests...
By leveraging the Cloud4Wi Passpoint solution, you can enhance the guest experience, removing on-site frictions in getting connected to Wi-Fi and improving their security.
- Passpoint provides a more secure Wi-Fi connection than open WiFi hotspots
Guest Wi-Fi connection starts automatically when entering the premises
Seamless and frictionless registration can be done everywhere, before arriving on site
For businesses...
Leveraging the advanced Passpoint technology, Cloud4Wi empowers organizations to deploy effective contextual on-site engagement initiatives.
Cloud4Wi intercepts visitors' interactions in the venues, such as arrival, dwelling in certain areas or leaving. These "Moments" can be fed to any external platform in real-time thanks to Cloud4Wi Connectors, to empower real-time and contextual messages (e.g. as soon as guests arrive send a text reminder with a link to the reservation/ticket)
How it works
Cloud4Wi Passpoint solution provides a flexible toolkit to adapt to multiple scenarios. The factor to take into consideration is whether you need to collect additional data/consent or not.
If the original touchpoint where you collect the registration already gathers all data, privacy acknowledgment and consents, then you'll opt for sharing with the user a link to directly download a Passpoint profile. If not, you want to use the OSU Portal to collect data and consents before letting the user download the Passpoint profile
Integration-less solution
This solution requires zero integrations between Cloud4Wi and the external touchpoints.
When a guest signs up on your touchpoint, in the confirmation email or message you can add the proper language to invite the guest to get WiFi in advance and link the call to action to the URL to activate Passpoint.
Case (a) - If you don't need to collect other data, simply build the URL of the Download Page, by adding to the URL a dynamic parameter such as email, phone or external ID:<you_account_id>&email=<user_email>&phone=<user_phone>&ext_id=<ext_id>
Case (b) - If you want to collect other pieces of information or consents (or a simple acknowledgment to a privacy policy), then you can use the OSU Portal link, enriched with a dynamic parameter such as email, phone or external ID:
Please note that the data you pass as an attribute in the URL won't be asked to the guest on the OSU Portal.
Integrated solution
When a guest completes the registration on your portal (booking, reservation, etc.), a Cloud4Wi Contact can be created using the APIs.
By creating a Contact, you'll get:
- a Cloud4Wi Contact Id
- random WiFi network credentials (username, password)
Once you have a Cloud4Wi Contact Id, you can send to the guest a personalized invitation message to pre-activate its WiFi service. You can send to the guest a link to:
- directly download its WiFi profile: if you do not need to gather any additional data or consents, you can simply send a link to the Download Page appending the Contact Id<Contact Id>
or - provide more data /consents and then download its profile: if you need additional data or consent, you can send a personalized link to the OSU Portal<contact Id>
There are multiple ways to implement this scenario:
- You can call the Cloud4Wi APIs to create a new Contact as soon as the guest registers.
At this point, you can parse the Contact Id from the API response, build your Passpoint URL (either to the Download Page or OSU Portal - as seen above) and send it to the guest either in the confirmation message or in a separate invitation message using your system.
You can also use Cloud4Wi to send a separate invitation message, creating a Campaign to send an email or an SMS with the Passpoint URL as soon as the Contact is created via APIs. - Cloud4Wi can offer a turnkey integration with your systems. Cloud4Wi has connectors with most third-party platforms that handle events (event management platforms), booking, or reservation platforms to receive in real-time or pull periodically, the registered guests and send them the invitation message.
If we do not have pre-built integration with your system, as long as your platform can provide a webhook or an API to receive registered guests, we can build a custom integration.
Below is an example of a workflow that relies on the capability of the external "registration System" to send webhooks when a guest registers and Cloud4Wi sends an invitation message.
Note: the invitation email can also include the random WiFi credentials that the guest can use to manually connect to Wi-Fi on its devices that do not support the Passpoint technology (such as some laptops and older smartphones). The credentials can be used either on the guest WiFi captive portal or with WPA2-Enterprise networks.
Guest Experience
Wi-Fi Activation
Guests receive a link in a message (email or SMS), sent by Cloud4Wi or directly by the external "Registration system". By clicking the link, the guest reaches a web page where can download the Wi-Fi configuration profile on his mobile devices following the prompted instructions (which automatically adapt to the specific device model).
On-site experience
Upon arriving on-site, guest mobile devices that have been pre-activated will automatically connect and authenticate to the on-site Wi-Fi. No other action is required from guests/attendees.
Cloud4Wi system will intercept on-site events ("Moments") and can send real-time messages to the users using the Campaign tool or feed the events back to the external Registration System (via native connectors or webhooks) to empower real-time on-site experiences.