Enterprise Wi-Fi
Account administration
Gettign started with your Cloud4Wi account
Configuring the Wi-Fi network
Configure your WiFi network to work with Cloud4wi
Locations and Access Points
Settign up the network hierarchy
Captive Portals
Design and manage captive portals
Login Profiles
Create reusable forms and policies for your Splash Pages
Internet Access Policies
Control how users use your network
Manage Wi-Fi Users
Managing WiFi user profiles and data
Wi-Fi Reports and Analytics
Monitor your guest Wi-Fi service usage
End user guides to connect to WAP2-Enterprise networks
Learn how to leverage next generation guest network solutions
Allow milions of users to connect to your network automatically
Empower mobile apps with automatic secure WiFi connectivity
Service Troubleshooting
Identify, troubleshoot and solve issues
Wi-Fi Location Analytics
Setup locations and manage analytics options
Location Analytics dashboard
Explore dashboard and reports
Network Configuration
WiFi Network cofnigurations for Location Analytics